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Dedicated SMSC Simulator

The Dedicated SMSC Simulator (DSS) service provides customers with their own SMSC simulator that is accessible via SMPP for testing SMS-enabled applications. The simulator provides the means to test MO and MT SMS, and supports SMPP v3.3, v3.4 and v5.

SSH to DSS instance

The hostname and PEM will have been provided to enable you to SSH to your DSS.

SMSC Simulator instances run on AWS EC2 Linux instances.

ssh -I [file].pem ec2-user@[hostname]

where [file] and [hostname] represent the PEM file and instance hostname respectively.

tmux sessions

The DSS is installed as a service on EC2 instances launched from AWS Marketplace and does not run in tmux.

The DSS application, MLSMSCSimulator, should be run in a tmux session where not being run as a service. This allows the application to run without being connected to the host, and allows other applications to be run alongside, such as tshark for packet capturing.

To connect to an existing tmux session (where there is only one session):

tmux attach

To detach from the current tmux session:

Ctrl-B D

If there are multiple tmux sessions, then you can list them using:

tmux ls

To attach to a specific session:

tmux attach -t N (where N identifies the session)

SMSC Simulator application (MLSMSCSimulator or ec2MLSMSCSimulator)

The MLSMSCSimulator application is located in the home directory (/home/ec2-user) and can be run as follows:

./MLSMSCSimulator help


./ec2MLSMSCSimulator help

This will produce the following usage information:

SMSCSimulator (AWS_Marketplace_AMI) Melrose Labs - Build timestamp: Apr 17 2023 12:40:56

Usage: ./ec2MLSMSCSimulator [command] [options]

 run              Run the SMSC Simulator on port 2775
 gencredentials   Generate a set of 5 SMPP credentials for connecting to this SMSC Simulator
 help             This help
 version          Print version information

 --highiplimit    Increases the max number of connections from a single IP address from 20 to 250
 --dlrlatency     Number of seconds between submission and DLR being generated (default 3s)
 --guestmode      Accept any SMPP credentials
 --maxtps         Maximum submit TPS allowed per bind
 --port           Port number to listen for SMPP connections
 --ipwhitelist    IP address to add to whitelist (DDoS protection)

Generate SMPP credentials

To generate SMPP credentials for applications to connect to the SMSC Simulator using SMPP, use the following command:

./MLSMSCSimulator gencredentials


./ec2MLSMSCSimulator gencredentials

The will produce output similar to the following:

$ ./MLSMSCSimulator gencredentials
./MLSMSCSimulator Melrose Labs - Build timestamp: Mar  2 2021 17:49:23

Generated SMPP Credentials (valid 90 days)

System ID    Password        
---------    --------        
980632       30fc81          
443358       32abd5          
660692       45666f          
905866       522c23          
902174       c82cc4          

The credentials will be valid for a limited amount of time (e.g. 90 days).

The SMPP system type is always null (empty).

If required, a system ID may be used simultaneously by multiple applications.

Starting the SMSC Simulator

AWS Marketplace instances (systemd service)

The DSS will automatically start when an AWS EC2 instance is launched or reboots.

To start DSS:

sudo systemctl start smscsimulator

To get the status of the DSS process:

sudo systemctl status smscsimulator

Running in tmux

Run the following:

./MLSMSCSimulator run

The following output should be seen:

$ ./MLSMSCSimulator run
./MLSMSCSimulator Melrose Labs - Build timestamp: Mar  2 2021 17:49:23

Starting SMSC Simulator
1614714406.253799     0x62d680    INFO SMPPServer::dolisten r=0 listensockfd=3
1614714406.253850     0x62d680    INFO SMPPServer::run Listening for SMPP on port 2775 (listensockfdSMPP=3)                      

Stopping the SMSC Simulator

AWS Marketplace instances (systemd service)

To stop DSS:

sudo systemctl stop smscsimulator

Running in tmux

Sending a SIGINT/SIGTERM signal to the MLSMSCSimulator process will cause it to shutdown. One way of doing this is by typing Ctrl-C in the application’s session.

Routing of Mobile Originated SMS

By default, the destination address in a submit_sm can be used to route a message to the TRX or RX bind of a particular system ID. When doing this the system ID of the submitting application must be the same as the system ID of the receiving application, and so the submitter must only use a TX bind to ensure it does not have the message routed back to itself.

Source address based routing

A routing configuration file (routing.config) can be used to route messages with source addresses that start with specific digits delivered to binds off specific system IDs. The file should be located in the current working directory of the MLSMSCSimulator application.

When an application establishes an SMPP session with the SMSC Simulator, the routing configuration file is loaded for that session. Messages submitted with the submit_sm PDU are then processed using that loaded routing configuration file. Changes made to the routing configuration file will not take effect to an existing SMPP session.

The format of each line in the file is as follows:


An example file is:

S:4400 294401
S:4410 614553

In above example file would result in the following:

  • Messages with a source address starting 4400 would be routed to TRX and RX binds for system ID 294401

  • Messages with a source address starting 4410 would be routed to TRX and RX binds for system ID 614553

The routing configuration file can contain many entries.

CDR Files

Each SMPP submit_sm will result in a line in the cdr_T_N.log file, where T (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) and N (epoch time) are when the SMSC Simulator application was started.

To avoid impacting performance, SMSC Simulator CDRs files are written when the SMSC Simulator is shutdown and when there is no activity.

Each line has the following format:






Timestamp (ISO8601)




Timestamp (seconds to 6dp)



System ID of the SMPP account submitting message



Source address of message



Destination address of message


Transaction Logs

Transaction logs capture a conversation that is i) initiated with an inbound message into the SMSC Simulator that is then passed to an application, and ii) the resulting outbound message from the application to the SMSC Simulator.

Each SMPP submit_sm and deliver_sm will result in a line in the transaction_T_N.log file, where T (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) and N (epoch time) are when the SMSC Simulator application was started.

SMSC Simulator transaction logs are written when the SMSC Simulator is shutdown.

Each line has the following format:




The S1 entries capture the inbound message into the SMSC Simulator.

The D1 entries capture the inbound message being passed to the application by the SMSC Simulator.

The S2 entries capture the outbound message from the application to the SMSC Simulator.

Command-line options

Note: When using command-line options, the command “run” must be included to run the DSS.

Multiple options can be used on a command-line:

./MLSMSCSimulator run --maxtop 100 --dlrlatency 2

Set maximum TPS for an SMPP bind

The following would set the maximum rate at which SMS can be submitted over a single SMPP bind to be 100 SMS:

./MLSMSCSimulator run --maxtps 100

Accept any SMPP credentials

./MLSMSCSimulator run --guestmode

Allow more than 20 binds from a single IP address

./MLSMSCSimulator run --highiplimit

Set the DLR latency to 1s (default 3s)

./MLSMSCSimulator run --dlrlatency 1

Set the port for SMPP connections to 9775 (default 2775)

./MLSMSCSimulator run --port 9775
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