SMPP Load Balancer Multiplex

SMPP Load Balancer Multiplex
The Melrose Labs SMPP Load Balancer Multiplex (SLBM) platform multiplexes messages submitted by downstream SMPP connections onto a shared set of one or more upstream SMPP connections (binds). The platform supports multiple down/upstream connections and multiple down/upstream binds per connection.
SMPP credentials for downstream (ESME) connection and SMPP connection details for upstream platforms are configured in the SLBM. Downstream SMPP connections are made to the SLBM platform. The platform connects to the upstream providers (either suppliers or internal platforms) and messages submitted by one or more separate downstream SMPP connections are sent to a set of upstream connections. Traffic from multiple downstream SMPP connections is multiplexed onto the upstream connection. Delivery receipts are routed back from the upstream connection via the SLBM platform to the downstream SMPP connection that submitted the corresponding outbound message.

Routing of messages by SLBM between downstream and upstream binds