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Customer Account Credit

Customers need to have credit to be able to send messages. The balance for a customer’s account can be seen in the Billing | Account balances section.

To add or remove credit, click the Add balance change button in the Pending Changes sub-section. This enables you to create a balance change entry for a customer’s account.

Balances are currently the number of SMS that a customer can send. Monetary balances are available as a beta feature. Currency field must be set to “None” when not using monetary balances.

To make a change to a customer’s balance:

  • Click Add balance change button

  • Select customer account

  • Enter the amount (positive or negative value) that you want to modify to apply to the customer’s account balance

    • Negative values with reduce the balance

    • Positive values will increase the balance

  • Enter a description for the change (e.g. credit card payment and transaction number, credits for testing, etc)

  • Click Save

It can take up to one minute for the balance change to be applied to the customer’s balance. Once completed, the entry will be removed from the Pending Changes sub-section and the will be shown in the Changes Audit Trail sub-section.

The SSG user that made the change is also shown alongside the entry.

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