
Customers section and SMPP account details
This section contains customer account records and SMPP account details for each customer. Customers can be set-up and managed in this section and new SMPP accounts created.
Customer records

Customer record
Customer records are used to identify individual customers.
Each customer dialog box has the following tabs: company, billing, balance, other, contacts, SMPP, reporting and notes.
These tabs allow certain information to be added and changed, and for viewing details relating to low balance warnings, usage and SMPP account details.
Note: low balance warning emails can be sent when a customer’s account balance reaches upper and lower thresholds. Internal emails (not for your customer) can be generated to alert you to the customer’s balance.
SMPP Accounts

Customer SMPP account details
SMPP accounts associated with each customer.
Each account dialog box has the following tabs: main, parameters, TLVs, security, rules, webhook, reporting and other.
Customer account that this SMPP account is allocated to.
Name for SMPP account.
Short name
Short name for SMPP account - used throughout portal.
System ID
SMPP system ID. This can be customised, if required (contact Support).
SMPP password. This can be changed on required (contact Support).
System Type
SMPP system type.
Address Range
SMPP address range.
Service that SMPP account is used with. This defines the pricing and routing used for messages submitted using this SMPP account.
Binding enabled
If selected, the ESME will be able to connect and bind to the platform. If not selected, bind attempts will be rejected.
Submit enabled
If selected, the ESME will be able to submit messages to the platform. If not selected, submission attempt will be rejected.
If selected, the ESME will only be able to send to numbers in the account’s closed user group (CUG).
If selected, the account is enabled and visible in the portal and backend infrastructure. If disabled, the account may be visible but cannot be used. Use only when an account is no longer required. Existing SMPP binds will not be affected by this setting (i.e. no forced disconnect of bind).
If selected, the status of the SMPP account will be shown in the dashboard.
Shows the current bind status of the account. Shows green if customer is currently connected with a TRX, TX or RX bind.
Submit limit (TPS)
The rate at which the ESME can submit SMS to the platform, in transactions per second (SMS/sec).
EnquireLink interval (s)
The maximum period of inactivity (in seconds) before the platform will send an enquire_link PDU to the ESME.
DeliverSM window
Window size for deliver_sm PDUs (containing delivery receipts or MO SMS) being sent to ESME. This value should be greater than or equal to the Submit limit (TPS) value.
Ignore TLVs
If selected, TLVs will be ignored and not interpreted.
Remove TLVs
If selected, TLVs will be removed before SMS is sent to supplier SMSC. Required TLVs will not be removed.
Require TLVs
TLVs that must be present in the submit_sm, otherwise it will be rejected.
Allowed IP(s)
If present, the IP addresses from which the ESME must only connect when using the SMPP account. Connections from all other IP addresses will be rejected.
Add the Allowed IP(s) entry within { } brackets. Example: {,}
One or more rules that will be applied to each submit_sm as it is received from the ESME. The rules are applied in the order shown.
Message sink (JSON)
If specified, each MT SMS submit_sm will be sent to the URL provided. Message sink definition is in JSON.
For example: {“url“:”…”}
MO webhook (JSON)
If specified, each MO SMS deliver_sm will be sent to the URL provided. Webhook definition is in JSON.
DLR webhook (JSON)
If specified, each DLR deliver_sm for an MT SMS will be sent to the URL provided. Webhook definition is in JSON.
Graph showing account traffic (MO and MT).
Binding allowed from
Data and time before which the ESME will not be allowed to connect.