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SSG Management API

API keys for using the SSG Management API can be created in the Configuration > User access section of the SSG Portal. The API key must be included in the URL query parameters.

The SSG Management API is actively being developed. It will move to a new API endpoint URL in the future.

API endpoint:


Customer balance query

Get current account balance of a customer or all customers.


Parameters: [customer]

  • customer: Customer API ID

Customer balance change

Change the account balance of a customer.


Parameters: customer amount currency description

  • customer: Customer API ID

  • amount: value to credit

  • currency: ignore (11 June)

  • description: text description for change

Create new customer and SMPP account

Create a new customer and an SMPP account


Parameters: op

op = { create_customer_smpp }

  • op: operation

Request (HTTP POST) JSON payload:

  • organisation: name of new customer (e.g. "TESTING ABC Ltd")

  • country: ISO 3166 country of new customer (e.g. "gb")

  • credit: number of SMS credits to add to new account (e.g. 500)

  • contactName: customer contact name (e.g. "Joe Bloggs")

  • contactEmail: customer contact email address (will receive configuration email if sendEmailCustomer is true)

  • contactMobile: customer contact mobile number

  • service: service API ID for the service the SMPP account is to use (e.g. “bfffff5e-adf1-11eb-bf7e-fffffd5c3860")

  • cugMobiles: optional closed user group of mobile numbers (e.g. "4477000,4477111,4477222")

  • sendEmailCustomer: send new SMPP account configuration email to customer contact (e.g. true)

Response (JSON):

  • customer_api_id: customer API ID for new customer account

  • system_id: system ID of new SMPP account

  • password: password for new SMPP account

Customer SMPP account control

Enable or disable binding and message submission by a customer for an SMPP account.


Parameters: systemid op

op = { bind_disable | bind_enable | submit_disable | submit_enable }

  • op: operation

Customer traffic status

Get summary status of messages submitted by an SMPP account during last X minutes


Parameters: systemid interval

  • systemid: SMPP system ID

  • interval: value in minutes (max 240 : 4 hours)

Query message status

Query the status of a message.


Parameters: msgid | msisdn [systemid]

  • msgid: message ID for message submission

  • msisdn: destination mobile number

  • systemid: SMPP system ID

Supplier SMSC message count

Count of message sent to an SMSC today (UTC)


Parameters: smsc

  • smsc: SMSC API ID

Supplier SMSC control

Bring administratively up or down a bind with a supplier SMSC and control message submission.


Parameters: smsc op

op = { admin_up | admin_down | suspend_submit | resume_submit }

  • smsc: SMSC API ID

  • op: operation

Public Signup API

Sign-up request from a public website can be injected into the SSG for set-up. Injecting sign-up requests from customers into the SSG is done using a separate API endpoint:[service_api_id]

[service_api_id] represents the “API ID” of the service the user is signing-up for. This can be found in the Configuration > Services section of the SSG Portal. Note that sign-ups for services are also enabled in this section.

POST the following fields in JSON to the URL:

  • organisationName - legal name of organisation

  • countryCode - 2-character code representing country

  • contactName - name of contact

  • contactEmailAddr - email address of contract (will receive the config email on set-up)  

  • contactMobileNo - mobile number of contact

  • apiType - SMPP or REST (REST not completely relevant just now)

  • cugMobiles - comma-separated list of mobiles to be in CUG (e.g. "+447944654716,+447700123123,+447711000999")

  • other - any other data (e.g. "IP:")

When a user signs-up, their request is put into Customers > Sign-ups for approval.  Clicking “Reject” will dismiss the entry from “Outstanding sign-ups”, however if clicking “Provision” the details will be copied into the “Quick Create Customer+SMPP” wizard.

NOTE - The email generated by the wizard is branded by default to Melrose Labs content and a Melrose Labs email address. This can be changed on request.

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